{ "@context": { "@vocab": "https://schema.org/" }, "@id": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/J1J5-W960", "identifier": { "propertyID": "https://registry.identifiers.org/registry/doi", "value": "10.17897/J1J5-W960", "url": "https://doi.org/10.17897/J1J5-W960" }, "url": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/J1J5-W960", "@type": "Dataset", "name": "MarineBasis Zackenberg - Water column - Bottom CTD measurements", "alternateName": "MarineBasis Zackenberg - Water column - Bottom CTD measurements", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "description": { "@type": "text", "@value": "Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring Program conducted CTD transect surveys in Young Sound-Tyrolerfjord from 2004-2014 during August using a SBE-19plus CTD (Sea-Bird Electronics, accuracy temperature: ±0.005 °C and conductivity: ± 0.0005 S m-1). More information of on the dataset can be found in: Boone, W., Rysgaard, S., Carlson, D. F., Meire, L., Kirillov, S. A., Mortensen, J., … Sejr, M. K. (2017). Coastal freshening prevents fjord bottom water renewal in Northeast Greenland – a mooring study from 2003-2015. Submitted to Geophysical Research Letters. Water column:Water column MarineBasis Zackenberg:The MarineBasis programme collects physical, chemical and biological data from the Greenland coastal zone. Work is focused around three fjord systems, all influenced by glaciers connected to the Greenland Ice Sheet." }, "datePublished": "2014-01-01", "keywords": ["Arctic Ecosystems","Climate Change","Greenland","Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring","Marine","Oceanography","Zackenberg"], "creator": [ { "@type": "Organization", "@id": "https://www.g-e-m.dk", "name": "Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring", "url": "https://www.g-e-m.dk", "contactPoint": { "@id": "https://g-e-m.dk/", "@type": "ContactPoint", "name": "Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring secretariat", "email": "g-e-m@au.dk", "url": "https://g-e-m.dk/contact/", "contactType": "Secretariat" }, "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "GEM secretariat, Department of Bioscience. Frederiksborgvej 399", "addressLocality": "Risø Campus", "addressRegion": "Roskilde", "postalCode": "4000", "addressCountry": "Denmark" }, "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "https://registry.identifiers.org/registry/grid", "value": "grid:grid.507580.f", "url": "https://identifiers.org/grid:grid.507580.f" } } ], "citation": "Read the GEM terms of use and how to cite: https://data.g-e-m.dk/Media/Greenland%20Ecosystem%20Monitoring_Data_ToU_final.pdf. For example: Data were provided by the Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring Programme. Dataset: MarineBasis Zackenberg - Water column - Bottom CTD measurements. https://doi.org/10.17897/J1J5-W960 (10.17897/J1J5-W960) [download date: 2024-05-02]", "version": "1", "license": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/", "temporalCoverage": "2004-08-07 - 2014-08-06", "spatialCoverage": { "@type": "Place", "name": "MarineBasis Zackenberg - MarineBasis Zackenberg (Accurate site unknown)", "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": "74.47", "longitude": "-20.57", "name": "MarineBasis Zackenberg - MarineBasis Zackenberg (Accurate site unknown)" }, "additionalProperty": { "@type": ["PropertyValue", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q4018860"], "name": "WKT", "value": "POINT (-20.57 74.47)", "valueReference": [ { "@type": ["PropertyValue", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q31385480"], "name": "datatype", "value": "http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#wktLiteral" }, { "@type": ["PropertyValue", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q161779"], "name": "SRS", "alternateName": "Spatial Reference System", "value": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326" } ] } }, "publisher": { "@id": "https://data.g-e-m.dk", "@type": "Organization", "name": "Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring", "url": "https://data.g-e-m.dk" }, "provider": { "@id": "https://data.g-e-m.dk" }, "distribution": [ { "@type": "DataDownload", "contentUrl": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/log-in/data-tables?doi=10.17897/J1J5-W960", "encodingFormat": "text/csv, application/excel" } ], "variableMeasured": [ ], "funder": { "@type": "FundingAgency", "@id": "https://mst.dk/natur-vand/natur/international-naturbeskyttelse/arktis/dancea-miljoestoette-til-arktis/", "legalName": "Danish Cooperation for Environment in the Arctic, Danish Environmental Agency", "alternateName": "DANCEA, MST", "url": "https://mst.dk/natur-vand/natur/international-naturbeskyttelse/arktis/dancea-miljoestoette-til-arktis/" } }