{ "@context": { "@vocab": "https://schema.org/" }, "@id": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/JA21-6Y82", "identifier": { "propertyID": "https://registry.identifiers.org/registry/doi", "value": "10.17897/JA21-6Y82", "url": "https://doi.org/10.17897/JA21-6Y82" }, "url": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/JA21-6Y82", "@type": "Dataset", "name": "GeoBasis Nuuk - Meteorology - M300", "alternateName": "GeoBasis Nuuk - Meteorology - M300", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "description": { "@type": "text", "@value": "The station, M300, was established in 2017 and is located on bare rock 300 m.a.s.l at the mountain SE of the fen close to the automatic cameras K1 and K2 (Automatic Photomonitoring). The main purpose of the station is to provide Wi-Fi connection between the Interact stations (I5Nf and I6Nh) and the field station. In 2018 an air temperature/relative humidity sensor (Campbell, CS215) was mounted at the station in a radiation shield, 2 m above ground. Data is logged every 30 minutes (West Greenlandic Winter Time, CR6 logger). Station had battery problems in 2018/2019 and data is missing. Due to various problems the station was closed in 2021. Meteorology:Meteorology GeoBasis Nuuk:The GeoBasis monitoring programme focuses on selected abiotic characteristics in order to describe the state of Greenlandic terrestrial environments and their potential feedback effects in a changing climate. Monitored plot data is up-scaled to a landscape level and is used to improve ecosystem models to be able to quantify these feedback mechanisms. The GeoBasis programme provides an active response to recommendations in international assessments such as ACIA and SWIPA; and is continuously being adapted based on AMAP and other international founded recommendations. Furthermore, the GeoBasis programme is directly involved in several international networks and research projects (e.g. the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) programme, the Nordic Centre of Excellence DEFROST, the Danish Centre of Excellence CENPERM, the EU-projects PAGE21 and INTERACT, and the Arctic Research Centre at Aarhus University). The GeoBasis programme is divided into a number of sub-groups, including:" }, "datePublished": "2020-01-01", "keywords": ["Arctic Ecosystems","Climate Change","Greenland","Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring","Geography","Nuuk","Biogeochemistry"], "creator": [ { "@type": "Organization", "@id": "https://www.g-e-m.dk", "name": "Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring", "url": "https://www.g-e-m.dk", "contactPoint": { "@id": "https://g-e-m.dk/", "@type": "ContactPoint", "name": "Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring secretariat", "email": "g-e-m@au.dk", "url": "https://g-e-m.dk/contact/", "contactType": "Secretariat" }, "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "GEM secretariat, Department of Bioscience. Frederiksborgvej 399", "addressLocality": "Risø Campus", "addressRegion": "Roskilde", "postalCode": "4000", "addressCountry": "Denmark" }, "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "https://registry.identifiers.org/registry/grid", "value": "grid:grid.507580.f", "url": "https://identifiers.org/grid:grid.507580.f" } } ], "citation": "Read the GEM terms of use and how to cite: https://data.g-e-m.dk/Media/Greenland%20Ecosystem%20Monitoring_Data_ToU_final.pdf. For example: Data were provided by the Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring Programme. Dataset: GeoBasis Nuuk - Meteorology - M300. https://doi.org/10.17897/JA21-6Y82 (10.17897/JA21-6Y82) [download date: 2024-05-04]", "version": "1", "license": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/", "temporalCoverage": "2018-08-15 - 2020-09-03", "spatialCoverage": { "@type": "Place", "name": "GeoBasis Nuuk - M300", "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": "64.1240844726563", "longitude": "-51.3824844360352", "name": "GeoBasis Nuuk - M300" }, "additionalProperty": { "@type": ["PropertyValue", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q4018860"], "name": "WKT", "value": "POINT (-51.3824844360352 64.1240844726563)", "valueReference": [ { "@type": ["PropertyValue", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q31385480"], "name": "datatype", "value": "http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#wktLiteral" }, { "@type": ["PropertyValue", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q161779"], "name": "SRS", "alternateName": "Spatial Reference System", "value": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326" } ] } }, "publisher": { "@id": "https://data.g-e-m.dk", "@type": "Organization", "name": "Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring", "url": "https://data.g-e-m.dk" }, "provider": { "@id": "https://data.g-e-m.dk" }, "distribution": [ { "@type": "DataDownload", "contentUrl": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/log-in/data-tables?doi=10.17897/JA21-6Y82", "encodingFormat": "text/csv, application/excel" } ], "variableMeasured": [ { "@type": "PropertyValue", "@id": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/JA21-6Y82&column=Date", "name": "Date", "description": "", "url": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/JA21-6Y82&column=Date", "unitText": "YYYY-MM-DD" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "@id": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/JA21-6Y82&column=Time", "name": "Time", "description": "West Greenlandic time (UTC -3)", "url": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/JA21-6Y82&column=Time", "unitText": "HH:MM" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "@id": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/JA21-6Y82&column=AirTemperature+(%c2%b0C)", "name": "AirTemperature (°C)", "description": "Air temperature measured 2 m above ground (CS215)", "url": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/JA21-6Y82&column=AirTemperature+(%c2%b0C)", "unitText": "°C" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "@id": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/JA21-6Y82&column=RelativeHumidity+(%25)", "name": "RelativeHumidity (%)", "description": "Relative humidity measured 2 m above ground (CS215)", "url": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/JA21-6Y82&column=RelativeHumidity+(%25)", "unitText": "%" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "@id": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/JA21-6Y82&column=IncomingShortwaveRadiation+(W%2fm2)", "name": "IncomingShortwaveRadiation (W/m2)", "description": "Incoming short wave solar radiation", "url": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/JA21-6Y82&column=IncomingShortwaveRadiation+(W%2fm2)", "unitText": "W/m2" } ], "funder": { "@type": "FundingAgency", "@id": "https://mst.dk/natur-vand/natur/international-naturbeskyttelse/arktis/dancea-miljoestoette-til-arktis/", "legalName": "Danish Cooperation for Environment in the Arctic, Danish Environmental Agency", "alternateName": "DANCEA, MST", "url": "https://mst.dk/natur-vand/natur/international-naturbeskyttelse/arktis/dancea-miljoestoette-til-arktis/" } }