Remote Sensing Products


Access to operational GEM Remote Sensing products


The gridded GEM Remote Sensing products can be downloaded via our ERDA SFTP server. Use the following steps:


Open or download and install your preferred FTP Client. If you are on Linux, you will already have command line tools for sftp data transfer.  This guide is for Windows users, for the free open source sftp client “WinSCP”.


In WinSCP, create a new site

Set “File protocol” to SFTP

Set “Host” to

Leave “Port number” to default value, 22

Set “User name” and “Password” to "TO BE ANNOUNCED, NOT READY YET"

Click “Save” – name the site “GEM Remote Sensing” or similar.

-        Check the box for “Save password”

Click “OK”

Double click the saved site or use the “Login” button to connect


Now the left-hand file browser panel is your local computer, and the right-hand panel is the GEM data. To download folders or files, browse to the folder on your local computer to which you want to store the data. Then browse to the wanted GEM data product, right-click the file or folder and select “Download”.

The GEM data is organized as follows:

NDVI_GreenlandWide -> AA1 -> Year -> yyyy_mm_dd_Export_AA-*.tif

LST_GreenlandWide -> RR1 -> Year -> yyyy_mm_dd_RR_LST.tif

NDVI_SiteSpecific -> Site -> Year -> yyyy_mm_dd_Site_NDVI.tif

LST_SiteSpecific -> Site -> Year -> yyyy_mm_dd_Site_LST.tif


AA: Area for NDVI data. See overview map in the associated “Documentation” folder

RR: Region for LST data. See overview map in the associated “Documentation” folder