{ "@context": { "@vocab": "https://schema.org/" }, "@id": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/0SF6-7463", "identifier": { "propertyID": "https://registry.identifiers.org/registry/doi", "value": "10.17897/0SF6-7463", "url": "https://doi.org/10.17897/0SF6-7463" }, "url": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/0SF6-7463", "@type": "Dataset", "name": "ClimateBasis Zackenberg - Soil temperature - Soil temperature @ 2.5cm - 60min average (°C)", "alternateName": "ClimateBasis Zackenberg - Soil temperature - Soil temperature @ 2.5cm - 60min average (°C)", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "description": { "@type": "text", "@value": "Soil temperature is measured using Campbell Scientific 107-L temperature probes inserted at the given depths in the ground. A single sensor measures at each depth. Please read the metadata file provided with the data for comments related to the data in this timeseries. Soil temperature:Soil temperature ClimateBasis Zackenberg:The ClimateBasis programme monitors climate and hydrology in Zackenberg, Kobbefjord and Disko (Qeqertarsuaq) and is run by Asiaq - Greenland Survey. The collected data build base-line information on climate variability and trends for all the other sub-programmes within GEM and serve as a trustworthy foundation for adaptation strategies for the Greenlandic society. The stations are embedded in Asiaq’s extensive climate and hydrology monitoring network. Furthermore, the run-off data is delivered to the World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) and the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) networks. " }, "datePublished": "2019-01-01", "keywords": ["Arctic Ecosystems","Climate Change","Greenland","Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring","Climate","Zackenberg"], "creator": [ { "@type": "Organization", "@id": "https://www.g-e-m.dk", "name": "Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring", "url": "https://www.g-e-m.dk", "contactPoint": { "@id": "https://g-e-m.dk/", "@type": "ContactPoint", "name": "Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring secretariat", "email": "g-e-m@au.dk", "url": "https://g-e-m.dk/contact/", "contactType": "Secretariat" }, "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "GEM secretariat, Department of Bioscience. Frederiksborgvej 399", "addressLocality": "Risø Campus", "addressRegion": "Roskilde", "postalCode": "4000", "addressCountry": "Denmark" }, "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "propertyID": "https://registry.identifiers.org/registry/grid", "value": "grid:grid.507580.f", "url": "https://identifiers.org/grid:grid.507580.f" } } ], "citation": "Read the GEM terms of use and how to cite: https://data.g-e-m.dk/Media/Greenland%20Ecosystem%20Monitoring_Data_ToU_final.pdf. For example: Data were provided by the Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring Programme. Dataset: ClimateBasis Zackenberg - Soil temperature - Soil temperature @ 2.5cm - 60min average (°C). https://doi.org/10.17897/0SF6-7463 (10.17897/0SF6-7463) [download date: 2024-05-08]", "version": "1", "license": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/", "temporalCoverage": "1995-08-17 - 2019-12-31", "spatialCoverage": { "@type": "Place", "name": "ClimateBasis Zackenberg - Climate Stations", "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": "74.4718856811523", "longitude": "-20.5522441864014", "name": "ClimateBasis Zackenberg - Climate Stations" }, "additionalProperty": { "@type": ["PropertyValue", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q4018860"], "name": "WKT", "value": "POINT (-20.5522441864014 74.4718856811523)", "valueReference": [ { "@type": ["PropertyValue", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q31385480"], "name": "datatype", "value": "http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#wktLiteral" }, { "@type": ["PropertyValue", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q161779"], "name": "SRS", "alternateName": "Spatial Reference System", "value": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326" } ] } }, "publisher": { "@id": "https://data.g-e-m.dk", "@type": "Organization", "name": "Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring", "url": "https://data.g-e-m.dk" }, "provider": { "@id": "https://data.g-e-m.dk" }, "distribution": [ { "@type": "DataDownload", "contentUrl": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/log-in/data-tables?doi=10.17897/0SF6-7463", "encodingFormat": "text/csv, application/excel" } ], "variableMeasured": [ { "@type": "PropertyValue", "@id": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/0SF6-7463&column=Date", "name": "Date", "description": "Date of observation", "url": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/0SF6-7463&column=Date", "unitText": "YYYY-MM-DD" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "@id": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/0SF6-7463&column=Time", "name": "Time", "description": "Time of observation (UTC)", "url": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/0SF6-7463&column=Time", "unitText": "HH:MM" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "@id": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/0SF6-7463&column=Soil+T+(%c2%b0C)", "name": "Soil T (°C)", "description": "Data comments: 1995-1999: Data from the upper three sensors are very similiar (daily amplitudes of temperatures are almost the same). Could be related to percolating water or because the tube with sensors was not completely covered/below ground. Data is suspect. 1995-2015: Data in this period has earlier been published with a correction according to the autumn zero curtain. Since June 2020 the original non-corrected data from this period is published. 2004-2006: Data deleted or suspect due to high frequency fluctuations (noise) in data related to unstable battery charge or broken sensor. August 2006: all sensors were replaced, new sensors installed in a new hole. 2009-2010: periods of missing data related to unstable battery charge. 2011: Change of measuring method in logger program (from 50 Hz to 250 Hz) in August caused a shift in data. 2013: Change of measuring method in logger progra", "url": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/0SF6-7463&column=Soil+T+(%c2%b0C)", "unitText": "°C" }, { "@type": "PropertyValue", "@id": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/0SF6-7463&column=Quality+Flag", "name": "Quality Flag", "description": "Flag assigned during quality control. Flag = "fair" is assigned instead of good to indicate where a value is interpolated, or, where only 1 timeseries has been used where it is normal to take the average of 2 timeseries. Flag = unknown is equivalent to the flag "good" or "fair" and is due a change in proceedures. Work is underway to update these flags.", "url": "http://data.g-e-m.dk/datasets?doi=10.17897/0SF6-7463&column=Quality+Flag", "unitText": "°C" } ], "funder": { "@type": "FundingAgency", "@id": "https://mst.dk/natur-vand/natur/international-naturbeskyttelse/arktis/dancea-miljoestoette-til-arktis/", "legalName": "Danish Cooperation for Environment in the Arctic, Danish Environmental Agency", "alternateName": "DANCEA, MST", "url": "https://mst.dk/natur-vand/natur/international-naturbeskyttelse/arktis/dancea-miljoestoette-til-arktis/" } }