Dataset landingpage: GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - M2

Dataset specification

  • Title: GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - M2
  • Description: M2 is one of six meteorological stations in the Zackenberg and Store Sødal Valley. Data from the station is found under meteorology (wind, temperature and relative humidity, short wave and long wave radiation, as well as NDVI), soil properties (soil moisture and soil heat flux) and snow properties (snow depth). M2 is located on a south facing slope in side the ZEROCALM-2 grid, in which active layer is monitored. The vegetation underneath the mast is dominated by salix arctica. Measurements at this station were initiated on the 5th of August 2003. At M2 data is recorded every half hour, except for snow depth and soil moisture which was recorded every 6th hour before August 2012. Between 2003-2012 data was recorded using a CR10x campbell scientific data logger. In August 2012 this was changed to a CR1000 data logger. As the station is situated on a southfacing slope (dominating leeward side during winter in Zackenberg), the station has been covered in snow during several winters, resulting in low power and missing data. Soil temperature is also measured at the station, but data not published in the database, due to problems with propagating datalogger temperature. Contact GeoBasis Zackenberg manager in case of interest. Soil properties:Soil properties GeoBasis Zackenberg:The GeoBasis monitoring programme focuses on selected abiotic characteristics in order to describe the state of Greenlandic terrestrial environments and their potential feedback effects in a changing climate. Monitored plot data is up-scaled to a landscape level and is used to improve ecosystem models to be able to quantify these feedback mechanisms. The GeoBasis programme provides an active response to recommendations in international assessments such as ACIA and SWIPA; and is continuously being adapted based on AMAP and other international founded recommendations. Furthermore, the GeoBasis programme is directly involved in several international networks and research projects (e.g. the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) programme, the Nordic Centre of Excellence DEFROST, the Danish Centre of Excellence CENPERM, the EU-projects PAGE21 and INTERACT, and the Arctic Research Centre at Aarhus University). The GeoBasis programme is divided into a number of sub-groups, including:
  • DOI: 10.17897/2S41-Y229 -
  • Location/site: M2 - -20.5631942749023, 74.4654922485352 (lon-lat wgs84)
  • Date span of the dataset: 2003-08-05 - 2022-10-15

Data originator, license and how to download the dataset

The dataset is a product of the Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring program (GEM): It is free and open data, licensed with terms of use under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license: When downloading you will automatically get a terms of use document, describing how to cite the data and other important information.

Download the dataset via this link (registration needed):

Variables measured / columns in dataset

ID Name Unit Data Type Description Date YYYY-MM-DD Date - Time HH:MM Time - Soil moisture 0.1m % % Number Soil moisture in 10 cms depth measured in % Soil moisture 0.3m % % Number Soil moisture in 30 cms depth measured in % Soil Heat Flux W/m^2 W m-2 Number Soil heat flux measured in watts per sqaure meter, flux plate installed in 1 cms depth