Dataset landingpage: BioBasis Zackenberg - Lakes - Phytoplankton

Dataset specification

  • Title: BioBasis Zackenberg - Lakes - Phytoplankton
  • Description: Data on phytoplankton numbers and biovolume in the two monitoring lakes. For further details, please refer to the newest BioBasis manual available at the website. Lakes:Lakes BioBasis Zackenberg:The BioBasis programme monitors the dynamics of organisms and biological processes in the terrestrial and limnic ecosystems at Zackenberg and Nuuk. The BioBasis programme plays a central role in the development and implementation of the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Programme (CBMP) across the Arctic.
  • DOI: 10.17897/B15M-2E46 -
  • Location/site: Monitoring lakes - -20.57, 74.47 (lon-lat wgs84)
  • Date span of the dataset: 2001-07-26 - 2023-09-04

Data originator, license and how to download the dataset

The dataset is a product of the Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring program (GEM): It is free and open data, licensed with terms of use under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license: When downloading you will automatically get a terms of use document, describing how to cite the data and other important information.

Download the dataset via this link (registration needed):

Variables measured / columns in dataset

ID Name Unit Data Type Description Date Date Date Date of census Lake Text Text Name of lake sampled Taxon Text Text Name of taxon PhytoBiovolume mm3/L Number The biolume of phytoplankton (mm3/L) NumberPer_mLiter Number Number Number of individuals per mL Remarks Text Text Remarks