Dataset landingpage: GeoBasis Disko - Snow - AWS2-SnowDepth

Dataset specification

  • Title: GeoBasis Disko - Snow - AWS2-SnowDepth
  • Description: The automatic weather station AWS2 was installed in August 2012 in Østerlien just east of Arctic Station. The station is located approximately 25 meter above sea level in a gentle south sloping area covered by low vegetation/dwarf shrubs. The time stamp refer to West Greenland Standard Time (UTC-3). Snow is measured as a point measurement below the mast. Find more data from AWS2 under Soil (AWS2-GroundTemperatureP1 and P2, AWS2-SoilHeatFlux, AWS2-SurfaceTemperature). Find meteorological data from AWS2 under Meteorology (AWS2-Meteorology). All data are logged by 30 minutes interval. Snow:Snow GeoBasis Disko:The GeoBasis monitoring programme focuses on selected abiotic characteristics in order to describe the state of Greenlandic terrestrial environments and their potential feedback effects in a changing climate. Monitored plot data is up-scaled to a landscape level and is used to improve ecosystem models to be able to quantify these feedback mechanisms. The GeoBasis programme provides an active response to recommendations in international assessments such as ACIA and SWIPA; and is continuously being adapted based on AMAP and other international founded recommendations. Furthermore, the GeoBasis programme is directly involved in several international networks and research projects (e.g. the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) programme, the Nordic Centre of Excellence DEFROST, the Danish Centre of Excellence CENPERM, the EU-projects PAGE21 and INTERACT, and the Arctic Research Centre at Aarhus University). The GeoBasis programme is divided into a number of sub-groups, including:
  • DOI: 10.17897/SCXW-S288 -
  • Location/site: AWS2 - -53.5141296386719, 69.2534866333008 (lon-lat wgs84)
  • Date span of the dataset: 2012-11-09 - 2023-12-31

Data originator, license and how to download the dataset

The dataset is a product of the Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring program (GEM): It is free and open data, licensed with terms of use under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license: When downloading you will automatically get a terms of use document, describing how to cite the data and other important information.

Download the dataset via this link (registration needed):

Variables measured / columns in dataset

ID Name Unit Data Type Description Date YYYY-MM-DD Date Snow depth_m M Number Snow depth measured at one point based on distance from sensor to surface (Sensor: Campbell Scientific, sonic ranging sensor SR50a). There are some small fluctuations even when there are no snow on the ground Time (UTC-3) HH:MM Time West Greenland Standard Time (UTC-3)