Dataset landingpage: GlacioBasis Zackenberg - Near surface climate - Air temperature, ZAC_A

Dataset specification

  • Title: GlacioBasis Zackenberg - Near surface climate - Air temperature, ZAC_A
  • Description: Air temperature at a height above surface around 2.6 m but varying when winter accumulation. See height variations in the boom height variable. Near surface climate:Near surface climate GlacioBasis Zackenberg:Since 2008, the GlacioBasis programme has been monitoring the glacier surface mass balance at the A.P. Olsen Ice Cap and its response to climate forcing. Greenland’s glaciers and Ice Caps are losing mass at a rate more than double of the Ice Sheet when adjusted for size, accounting for 14-20 % of the total sea level rise contribution from Greenland. As the glaciological component of a core WMO GCW CryoNet site and a contributor to the GTN-G through WGMS, the GlacioBasis datasets complement the ongoing monitoring based at Zackenberg, enable process-based understanding of physical processes driven by glacier melt water run-off in the downstream terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and can inform regional and global assessments under AMAP and IPCC. GlacioBasis operates the year-round automatic monitoring of A.P. Olsen Ice Cap near-surface weather at three stations, a network of ablation stakes covering the entire altitude range, and geophysical survey campaigns on the ground (radar snow depth) and airborne (surface elevation from lidar, ice thickness from radar). GlacioBasis data collection is adaptively updated to support research in processes emerging as key sources of nonlinearity in the cryosphere, including melt water retention and albedo feedbacks. As a representative Northeast Greenland Ice Cap, A.P. Olsen observations delivered by GlacioBasis are available to the national and international remote sensing and climate modelling communities for calibration, validation and upscaling purposes.
  • DOI: 10.17897/YD1H-Q180 -
  • Location/site: ZAC_A - -21.6520252227783, 74.6475372314453 (lon-lat wgs84)
  • Date span of the dataset: 2009-08-08 - 2019-04-13

Data originator, license and how to download the dataset

The dataset is a product of the Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring program (GEM): It is free and open data, licensed with terms of use under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license: When downloading you will automatically get a terms of use document, describing how to cite the data and other important information.

Download the dataset via this link (registration needed):

Variables measured / columns in dataset

ID Name Unit Data Type Description Date YYYY-MM-DD Date Date. Time HH:MM Date Time. Air temperature (C) Degree C Number Aspirated air temperature, hourly average of 10 min sampling.